*Sniff, sniff* Farewell Sundance…

Well, all good things have to come to an end.  It's at this moment that I bid adieu to you, Sundance. As always, you had your ebbs and flows.  The first weekend was completely insane, almost Vegas-like in it's franticness.  Streets are filled to the brim wearing fashions all over the board, most are definitely … Continue reading *Sniff, sniff* Farewell Sundance…

Sundance 2012 Review: John Dies at the End

My brain is constantly full of bizarre things that are pretty much impossible to describe.  At any given moment, it's like a mass gathering of indescribable insanity.  But you know, I enjoy it.  It helps me write crazy shit and I'm never bored.  This is exactly why I had a freakin' blast with John Dies … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Review: John Dies at the End

Sundance 2012 Review: The Comedy

The Comedy is, in a way, a perfect example of what Joe Public probably thinks of when they think of a Sundance movie.  It's definitely a director's vision, whether it makes any sense to actually put his vision on film or not.  It's pretentious as all hell.  It's an insanely low-concept character study with almost … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Review: The Comedy

Sundance 2012 Review: Excision

Every year at Sundance, there's one movie that makes you go, "What the F*!# was that???"  This year is no exception... Excision is definitely that movie.  And shocker, I thought it was great.  Although, holy hell should the phrase, "NOT FOR EVERYONE" be used in every discussion about this warped, twisted, confusing, entertaining, and wholly … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Review: Excision

Sundance 2012 Review: The First Time

Most people remember the first time they fell in love.  You're young.  You're kind of an idiot.  You don't really know exactly what you're feeling, but strangely you both like and hate it at the same time.  Awkwardness abounds, but it's exciting.  All these feelings and emotions are on display in the movie The First … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Review: The First Time

Sundance 2012 Review: Indie Game: The Movie

To quote the Transformers, something that definitely helped craft my childhood, as well as that of the programmers in the film, Indie Game: The Movie is definitely more than meets the eye. At first look this is a glimpse into the world of independent programmers that most people don't even know exists. But as you … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Review: Indie Game: The Movie

Sundance 2012 Review: The Pact

With all the films here at the festival, I guarantee that The Pact, what appears to be a simple haunted house tale, is going to be overlooked.  That's a shame because this is a well crafted and solid piece of spooky horror, complete with some interesting twists and turns.  It was obviously created by a … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Review: The Pact

Sundance 2012 Review: Beasts of the Southern Wild

This review will be difficult to write.  It's easy to write about cookie cutter movies, their flaws, their lack of imagination, and what they could have done better.  But here, you have such an original and unique vision, it's almost like you're watching a new genre of film for the very first time.  The typical … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Review: Beasts of the Southern Wild

Sundance 2012 Review: Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie

Oh, Tim and Eric.  How you frustrate me.  There are sparks when true comedic genius comes through... and then there are the other times when I feel like you were given an amazing golden opportunity to make comedy wildfire, and you just light your fart instead and waste the match.  Tim and Eric's Billion dollar … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Review: Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie

Sundance 2012 Review… well, more like an extremely biased promo, for Filly Brown.

Look, I'll be honest.  I can't write an unbiased review for Filly Brown because it was directed by a good friend of mine, Mike Olmos.  But I will say this.  Much like Hustle and Flow, or 8 Mile, this musical film about the journey, struggles, and hardships of a struggling artist trying to follow her … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Review… well, more like an extremely biased promo, for Filly Brown.

Sundance 2012 Review: Grabbers

Every country is entitled to their own version of some plain and simple entertaining fluff.  To me, that's exactly what Grabbers is -- Ireland's version of some easy to swallow, smile-causing fluff.  It doesn't reinvent the wheel by any means, in fact it blatantly steals ahem, I mean pays homage to a slew of other horror movies. But … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Review: Grabbers

Sundance 2012 Review: A Fierce Green Fire

So my film viewing is ramping up. Seeing 3-4 movies a day, shuttling around town to different venues, all while trying to squeeze in some food and sleep, doesn't really provide too much time to write a longer review for everything. But I'm still going to try. Just don't blame me if some are shorter … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Review: A Fierce Green Fire

Sundance 2012 Review: Room 237

I love horror movies. You all pretty much know that already or else you wouldn't even be on this blog. And many of you know that one of my all time favorite movies from any genre is The Shining. To me there's almost nothing bettter than Kubrick's masterpiece. But lately right now I'm obsessed with … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Review: Room 237

Sundance 2012 Review: V/H/S

One of my favorite sub-genre of horror films is the horror anthology film. A few mini-movies with a common theme, connected by a linking story that weaves its way throughout. They don't make them as much anymore so when I heard that Sundance had a "found-footage" anthology horror film in the Midnight section this year, … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Review: V/H/S

Sundance 2012 Review: Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry

This is a difficult movie to review because it's one I'd much rather have people experience instead of read about. I'll admit to something right up front... I had no idea who Ai Weiwei (pronounced eye way-way) was before I saw this movie. Don't judge. I just didn't. But boy oh boy do I know … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Review: Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry

Sundance 2012 Here I Come.

Tomorrow I head to Park City for the glorious splendor of the Sundance Film Festival.  Ahh, 7 straight days of drinking, movie viewing.  I'm going to try and hit as many of the Midnight horror flicks as I can.  I hope to provide a few small reviews of these little gems for anyone who might … Continue reading Sundance 2012 Here I Come.

Happy Friday the 13th!!!

To commemorate this happy, happy day, I present to you one of my favorite Friday the 13th scenes.  It's just so simple and awesome. ENJOY! Now, I also know a lot of you horror fans have already seen that.  So for your viewing pleasure, I also give to you the very rare, and mostly unseen, … Continue reading Happy Friday the 13th!!!