10/13/23 – OCTOBER HORROR MOVIE PICK #13 – Terrifier 2

Outside of one of the Friday the 13th movies (many of which have already been on this list), there really isn’t a better movie that should hold the beloved Friday the 13th spot within the month of October. You must have lived under a rock if you haven’t heard about Terrifier 2. This movie took the indie horror world (and hell, mainstream movie world) by storm. First, here is the brief IMDB synopsis:

After being resurrected by a sinister entity, Art the Clown returns to the timid town of Miles County where he targets a teenage girl and her younger brother on Halloween night.

There’s just something about Terrifier 2. It’s hard to explain. Every once in a while, all the components in a film just come together. There are a lot of things here that feel like they shouldn’t work, and yet all of it does. The runtime seems like it should be way too long for a slasher film, and yet, it doesn’t feel long at all. A lot of movies have tried to create a new iconic slasher villain and it feels forced. But here with Art the Clown, again, it just works. He’s, dare I say it… somehow, charming? I don’t get it either. It feels like a throwback slasher, which many have tried, but on the other it feels current and of the now. And again, all of it just works. There have been plenty of movies with an extreme gore factor, but Terrifier 2 just says, “hold my beer” and takes it to a whole other level. The gore on display here is… indescribable. Honestly, at the end of the day it all comes down to love and passion. You can feel the love of the genre and the passion of the filmmaking in its bones, and that is why this movie hits for me. It’s extreme, it’s mind-bogglingly gruesome, some may even call it repugnant, and yet, for me, all of it works. If you’re a slasher fan at all, Terrifier 2 is a must watch. No better way to enjoy your holy October Friday the 13th than with Art the Clown. Enjoy.

Where to Watch: Streaming on Amazon Prime, Screambox, Hoopla, and many PPV sites.

Food/Drink Pairing: Just a giant punch bowl of blood. Let’s not kid ourselves and say “fruit punch”, it’s blood.

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